Publications per topic

This page contains links to the following topics


  1. Neuronal network organization of the circadian clock in day active vs night active animals
  2. Light responses of the circadian system (retinal photopigments, jet lag, shift work)
  3. Clinical: aging, sleep, metabolic syndrome, depression, cancer-related fatigue
  4. Sleep and exercise: non-photic effects on the SCN clock
  5. Complexity theory; emergent properties of hierarchical neuronal networks
  6. Chronopharmacology: enhancing clock function and optimizing drug timing
  7. Field research, ecology, biodiversity, population dynamics, nocturnal light pollution

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1. Neuronal network organization of the circadian clock in day active vs night active animals


2. Light responses of the circadian system (retinal photopigments, jet lag, shift work)


3. Clinical: aging, sleep, metabolic syndrome, depression, cancer


4. Sleep and exercise: non-photic effects on the SCN clock


5. Complexity theory; emergent properties of hierarchical neuronal networks


6. Chronopharmacology: strategies for enhancing clock function, optimizing drug timing


7. Field research, ecology, biodiversity, population dynamics, nocturnal light pollution