This page contains links to the following topics
- Neuronal network organization of the circadian clock in day active vs night active animals
- Light responses of the circadian system (retinal photopigments, jet lag, shift work)
- Clinical: aging, sleep, metabolic syndrome, depression, cancer-related fatigue
- Sleep and exercise: non-photic effects on the SCN clock
- Complexity theory; emergent properties of hierarchical neuronal networks
- Chronopharmacology: enhancing clock function and optimizing drug timing
- Field research, ecology, biodiversity, population dynamics, nocturnal light pollution
Scroll down for the topics and links to papers
1. Neuronal network organization of the circadian clock in day active vs night active animals
- Caputo R, Poirel VJ, Challet E, Meijer JH, Raison S. Bimodal serotonin synthesis in the diurnal rodent, Arvicanthis ansorgei. FASEB J. 2022 Apr;36(4):e22255. doi: 10.1096/fj.202101726R. PMID: 35294080.
- Wang Y, van der Zanden SY, van Leerdam S, Tersteeg MMH, Kastelein A., Michel S., Neefjes J., Meijer JH, Deboer T. (2022) Induction of Fatigue by Specific Anthracycline Cancer Drugs through Disruption of the Circadian Pacemaker. Cancers (Basel). May 13;14(10):2421. doi: 10.3390/cancers14102421
- Schoonderwoerd RA, de Torres Gutiérrez P, Blommers R, van Beurden AW, Coenen TCJJ, Klett NJ, Michel SH, Meijer JH. (2022) Inhibitory responses to retinohypothalamic tract stimulation in the circadian clock of the diurnal rodent Rhabdomys pumilio. The FASEB Journal. 2022;00 :e22415. doi: 10.1096/fj.202200477R
- Michel S, Nakamura TJ, Meijer JH, Colwell CS. (2021) Electrophysiological approaches to studying the suprachiasmatic nucleus. In: Circadian Clocks, Methods in Molecular Biology, Springer US; p. 461-478. doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-0381-9_23.
- Olde Engberink, A.H.O., Huisman,J., Michel,S., Meijer, J.H. (2020) Brief light exposure at dawn and dusk can encode day‐length in the neuronal network of the mammalian circadian pacemaker. FASEB 34(10) 13685-13695
- Michel S, Meijer JH (2019). From clock to functional pacemaker. Eur J Neurosci. 2019 Feb 21. doi: 10.1111/ejn.14388.
- Buijink MR, van Weeghel M, Gülersönmez MC, Harms AC, Rohling JHT, Meijer JH, Hankemeier T, Michel S (2018). The influence of neuronal electrical activity on the mammalian central clock metabolome Metabolomics14:122. doi:
- Gu C, Yang H, Meijer JH, Rohling JHT (2018). Dependence of the entrainment on the ratio of amplitudes between two subgroups in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, Phys Rev E 97, 062215
- Olde Engberink AHO, MeijerJH, Michel S (2018). Chloride cotransporter KCC2 is essential for GABAergic inhibition in the SCN. Neuropharmacology. pii: S0028-3908(18)30253-3. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2018.05.023.
- Buijink, M. R., Almog, A., Wit, C. B., Roethler, O., Engberink, A. H. O., Meijer, J. H., … & Michel, S. (2016). Evidence for Weakened Intercellular Coupling in the Mammalian Circadian Clock under Long Photoperiod. PloS one, 11(12), e0168954.
- Faranja et al.(2016). Photoperiod Modulates Fast Delayed Rectifier Potassium Currents in the Mammalian Circadian Clock. DOI: 10.1177/1759091416670778
- Ramkisoensing A, and Meijer, JH (2015) Synchronization of biological clock neurons by light and peripheral feedback systems promotes circadian rhythms and health, Frontiers in Neurology, doi: 10.3389/fneur.2015.00128 pp 1 – 16.
- Coomans CP, Ramkisoensing A, Meijer JH (2016). The suprachiasmatic nuclei as a seasonal clock. Front Neuroendocrinol. 2015 Apr;37:29-42. doi: 10.1016/j.yfrne.2014.11.002. Epub 2014 Nov 20. IF 7.037
- Meijer JH, Michel S (2015) Neurophysiological analysis of the suprachiasmatic nucleus: a challenge at multiple levels. Methods Enzymol. 552:75-102. IF: 2.2
- Coomans CP, Lucassen EA, Kooijman S, Fifel K, Deboer T, Rensen PC, Michel S, Meijer JH.(2015) Plasticity of circadian clocks and consequences for metabolism. Diabetes Obes Metab. Suppl 1:65-75. doi: 10.1111/dom.12513.IF: 6.3
- Vosko A, van Diepen H, Kuljis D, Chiu AM, Heyer D, Terra H, Carpenter E, Michel S, Johanna H. Meijer JH, Colwell CS (in print) Role of vasoactive intestinal peptide in the light input to the circadian system. Eur J Neurosci. IF 3.67
- Farajnia S, van Westering TLE, Meijer JH, Michel S., Seasonal induction of GABAergic excitation in the central mammalian clock, PNAS, 111, no 26, 9627-9632. Doi: 10.1073/pnas IF 9.737
- Ramkisoensing, A, Gu, C, van Engeldorp Gastelaars, HMD, Michel, S, Deboer, T, Rohling, JHT, Meijer, JH, Enhanced Phase Resetting in the Synchronized Suprachiasmatic Nucleus Network, J Biol Rhythms, 29, 2014, 4-15 IF 3.229
- Michel, S, Marek, R, vanderLeest, HT, vanSteensel, MJ, Schwartz, WJ, Colwell, CS, Meijer, JH, Mechanism of bilateral communication in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, Eur J. Neurosci, 37, 2013, 964-971 IF 3.631
- Meijer, J.H., Colwell, C.S., Rohling, J.H.T., vanderLeest, H.T., Houben, T., and Michel, S., Dynamic neuronal network organization of the circadian clock, and possible deterioration in disease. Neurobiology of circadian timing Eds: Kalsbeek, A, Foster, R.G., Roenneberg, T., and Merrow, M., Progress in Brain research, Vol. 199 (2012) 143-162. IF 3.04.
- Farajnia, S., Michel, S., Deboer, T., Houben, T., vanderLeest, H.T., Rohling, J.H.T., Ramkisoensing, A., Yasenkov, R., and Meijer, J.H., Evidence for neuronal desynchrony in the aged SCN clock, J. Neurosci, 32 (2012) 5891-5899. IF 7.115.
- Lucassen, E.A., van Diepen, H., Michel, S., Houben, T., Colwell, C.S. and Meijer, J.H., Role of VIP in seasonal encoding by the SCN clock, (2012) Eur. J. Neurosci, 35 (2012) 1466-1474. IF 3.631.
- Rohling, JHT, vanderLeest, HT, Michel, S., Vansteensel, MJ, and Meijer, JH, Phase resetting of the mammalian circadian clock relies on a rapid shift of a small population of pacemaker neurons, PLoS ONE 6 (2011) e25437.
- Meijer, J.H., Michel S, Vanderleest HT, Rohling JH, Daily and seasonal adaptation of the circadian clock requires plasticity of the SCN neuronal network, Eur J Neurosci. (2010) 2143-2151.
- vanderLeest HT, Rohling JHT, Michel S, Meijer JH. Phase shifting capacity of the circadian pacemaker determined by the SCN neuronal network organization. PLoS ONE 4(3) (2009) e4976.
- vanderLeest HT, Vansteensel, MJ, Duindam, H, Michel S, Meijer JH., Phase of the electrical activity rhythm in the SCN in vitro not influenced by preparation time, Chronobiol. Int., 26 (2009) 1075-1089
- VanOosterhout FFTO, Michel S, Deboer T, Houben T, VandeVen RCG, Albus H, Westerhout J, Vansteensel MJ, Ferrari MD, VandenMaagdenberg AMJM, Meijer JH (2008) Enhanced circadian phase resetting in R192Q Cav2.1 calcium channel migraine mice. Ann Neurol. 64: 315-324.
- van Oosterhout, F., Michel, S., Deboer, T., Houben, T., van de Ven, R.C.G., Albus, H., Westerhout, J., Vansteensel, M.J., Ferrari, M., van den Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M., and Meijer, J.H., Enhanced circadian phase resetting in R192Q Cav2.1 calcium channel migraine mice, Ann Neurol 64 (2008) 315-324. IF 9.935
- Vansteensel, M.J., Michel, S., and Meijer, J.J., Organization of cell and tissue circadian pacemakers: A comparison among species, Brain Res Rev. 58 (2008) 18-47.
- VanderLeest HT, Houben T, Michel S, Deboer T, Albus H, Vansteensel MJ, Block GD, Meijer JH (2007) Seasonal encoding by the circadian pacemaker of the SCN. Curr Biol 17: 468-473. IF 10.539
- Rohling, J., Meijer, J.H., VanderLeest, H.T., and Admiraal, J., Phase differences in single unit electrical activity patterns underly photoperiodic encoding by the SCN, J. Neurophysiol.Paris, (2007) 261-270.
- J.H. Meijer, S. Michel, M.J. Vansteensel, Processing of daily and seasonal light information the mammalian circadian clock, (2007) General and Comparative Endocrinology 152 (2007) 159-164.
- Rohling, J., Wolters, L., Meijer, J.H., Simulation of day-length encoding in the SCN: from single-cell to tissue-level organization. J. Biol. Rhythms, 4 (2006) 301-13.
- Itri, J.N., Michel, S., Vansteensel, M.J., Meijer, J.H., and Colwell, C.S., Fast delayed rectifier potassium current is required for circadian neural activity, Nature Neuroscience, 8(5) (2005) 650-656. IF 15.456
- Albus, H., Vansteensel, M.J., Michel, S., Block, G.D. and Meijer, J.H., A GABAergic mechanism is necessary for coupling dissociable ventral and dorsal regional oscillators within the circadian clock., Current Biol., 15 (2005) 886-893. IF 11.732
- Schwartz, W.J., Meijer, J.H., Real-time imaging reveals spatiotemporal dynamics of cellular circadian clocks, TINS, 9 (2004) 513-6. IF 14.794
- Deboer, T., Overeem, S., Visser, N.A., Duindam, H., Frolich, M., Lammers, G.J., Meijer, J.H., Convergence of circadian and sleep regulatory mechanisms on hypocretin-1., Neuroscience 129(3) (2004) 727-32.
- Vansteensel MJ, Deboer T, Dahan A, Meijer JH (2003) Differential responses of circadian activity onset and offset following GABA-ergic and opioid receptor activation. J. Biol. Rhythms 18: 297-306.
- Vansteensel MJ, Yamazaki S, Albus H, Deboer T, Block GD, Meijer JH (2003) Dissociation between mPer1 bioluminescence, neuronal activity of isolated SCN and neuronal activity of integrated SCN in response to shifts of environmental light-dark cycle. Curr Biol 13: 1538-1542.
- Schaap, J., Albus, H., van der Leest, H.T., Eilers, P.H.C., Détari, L., Meijer, J.H., Heterogeneity of rhythmic suprachiasmatic nucleus neurons: implications for circadian waveform and photoperiodic encoding, PNAS, 26 (2003) 15994-15999. IF 10.272
- Deboer, T., Vansteensel, M.J., Détari, L., Meijer, J.H., Sleep states alter activity of suprachiasmatic nucleus neurons, Nature Neuroscience, 10 (2003) 1086-1090. IF 15.141
- Schaap, J. Pennartz, C.M.A., Meijer, J.H., Electrophysiology of the circadian pacemaker in mammals, Chronobiol. Int., 2 (2003) 171-188.
- Albus, H., Bonnefont, X., Chaves, I. Yasui, A., Doczy, J., van der Horst, G.T.J., Meijer, J.H., Cryptochrome-deficient mice lack circadian electrical activity in the suprachiasmatic nuclei, Current Biology 12 (2002) 1130-1133.
- Schaap, J., Albus, H., Eilers, P.H.C., Detari, L. and Meijer, J.H., Phase differences in electrical discharge rhythms between neuronal populations of the left and right suprachiasmatic nuclei. Neuroscience 108 (2001) 359-363.
- Meijer, J.H., Ruijs, A.C.J., Albus, H., van der Geest, B., Duindam, H., Zwinderman, A.H. and Dahan, A., Fentanyl, a mu-opioid receptor agonist, phase shifts the hamster circadian pacemaker, Brain Res. 868 (2000) 135-140.
- Schaap, J., Bos, N.P.A., de Jeu, M.T.G., Geurtsen, A.M.S., Meijer, J.H. and Pennartz, C.M.A., Neurons of the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus show a circadian rhythm in membrane properties that is lost during prolonged whole‑cell recording, Brain Res. 19018 (1998) 154‑166.
- Meijer, J.H., Schaap, J., Watanabe, K. and Albus, H., Multiunit activity recordings in the suprachiasmatic nuclei: in vivo versus in vitro models, Brain Res. 753 (1997) 322‑327.
- Meijer, J.H., Albus, H., Weidema, F. and Ravesloot, J.H., The effects of glutamate on membrane potential and discharge rate of suprachiasmatic neurons, Brain Res., 603 (1993) 284‑288.
- Meijer, J.H., Rusak, B. and Gänshirt, G., The relation between light‑induced phase shifts in the suprachiasmatic nucleus and phase shifts of hamster circadian rhythms, Brain Res., 598 (1992) 257‑263.
- Meijer, J.H., Daan, S., Overkamp, G.J.F. and Hermann, P., The two‑oscillator circadian system of Tree shrews (Tupaja belangeri) and its response to light and dark pulses, J. Biol. Rhythms, 5 (1990) 1‑16.
- Rusak, B., Meijer, J.H. and Harrington, M.E., Hamster circadian rhythms are phase‑shifted by electrical stimulation of the geniculo‑hypothalamic tract, Brain Res. 493 (1989) 283‑291.
- Meijer, J.H. and Rietveld, W.J., The neurophysiology of the suprachiasmatic circadian pacemaker in rodents. Physiol. Rev., 69 (3) 671‑707, 1989.
- Groos, G.A., Mason, R. and Meijer J.H., Electrical and pharmacological properties of the suprachiasmatic nuclei, Fed. proc., 42 (1983) 2790‑2795.
2. Light responses of the circadian system (retinal photopigments, jet lag, shift work)
- Meijer JH, de Rover M, de Torres Gutiérreza P, Swaab DF, van Osch MJP, and Schoonderwoerd RA. (2022) Reply to Sharifpour et al.: Light response measurement of the human SCN by 7T fMRI PNAS 2022 Vol. 119 No. 49 e2215410119 doi: 10.1073/pnas.2215410119
In response to: Sharifpoura R, et al. Pitfalls in recording BOLD signal responses to light in small hypothalamic nuclei using Ultra-High-Field 7 Tesla MRI PNAS 2022 Vol. 119 No. 49 e2212123119 doi:10.1073/pnas.2212123119 - van Beurden AW, Schoonderwoerd RA, Tersteeg MMH, de Torres Gutiérrez P, Michel SH, Blommers R, Rohling JHT, Meijer JH. (2022) Single cell model for re-entrainment to a shifted light cycle The FASEB Journal October 2022 e22518 doi: 10.1096/fj.202200478R
- Schoonderwoerd RA, de Torres Gutiérrez P, Blommers R, van Beurden AW, Coenen TCJJ, Klett NJ, Michel SH, Meijer JH. (2022) Inhibitory responses to retinohypothalamic tract stimulation in the circadian clock of the diurnal rodent Rhabdomys pumilio. The FASEB Journal. 2022;00 :e22415. doi: 10.1096/fj.202200477R
- Schoonderwoerd RA, de Rover M, Janse JAM, Hirschler L, Willemse CR, Scholten L, Klop I, van Berloo S, van Osch MJP, Swaab DF, Meijer JH (2022). The photobiology of the human circadian clock. PNAS, Mar 29;119(13):e2118803119. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2118803119
- Van Diepen HC, Schoonderwoerd RA, Ramkisoensing A, Janse JAM, Hattar S, Meijer JH (2021). Distinct contribution of cone photoreceptor subtypes to the mammalian biological clock. PNAS June 1, 2021 118 (22) e2024500118;
- Olde Engberink, A.H.O., Huisman,J., Michel,S., Meijer, J.H. (2020) Brief light exposure at dawn and dusk can encode day‐length in the neuronal network of the mammalian circadian pacemaker. FASEB 34(10) 13685-13695
- Lucassen, E. A., Coomans, C. P., van Putten, M., de Kreij, S. R., van Genugten, J. H., Sutorius, R. P., … & Löwik, C. W. (2016). Environmental 24-hr cycles are essential for health. Current Biology, 26(14), 1843-1853.
- van Diepen HC, Foster RG, Meijer JH (2015) A Colourful Clock. PLoS Biol 13(5): e1002160. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1002160.IF: 6.3
- Vosko A, van Diepen H, Kuljis D, Chiu AM, Heyer D, Terra H, Carpenter E, Michel S, Johanna H. Meijer JH, Colwell CS (in print) Role of vasoactive intestinal peptide in the light input to the circadian system. Eur J Neurosci. IF 3.67
- van Diepen HC, Lucassen EA, Yasenkov R, Groenen I, Ijzerman AP, Meijer JH, Deboer T (2014) Caffeine increases light responsiveness of the circadian pacemaker. Eur J Neurosci 40: 3504-3511. IF 3.67.
- Van Diepen H.C., Meijer, J.H., Peirson, S.N., Foster, R.G. (2014) Circadian photoreception: from phototransduction to behavior. The Retina and circadian rhythms. G. Tosini (Ed.) Springer Series in Vision Research
- van Diepen,H.C., Ramkisoensing,A., Peirson,S.N., Foster,R.G., and Meijer, J.H., Irradiance encoding in the suprachiasmatic nuclei by rod and cone photoreceptors FASEB J. 27, 4204–4212 (2013) IF 5.6
- Van Oosterhout, F, Fisher, SP, van Diepen, H., Houben, T., VanderLeest, HT, Thompson, S., Peirson, SN, Foster, RG, and Meijer, JH, Persistent responsiveness of the circadian system to UV light in the absence of melanopsin, Current Biol. 22 (2012) 1-6. IF 9.647.
- Vansteensel, M.J., Magnone, M.C., van Oosterhout, F., Baeriswyl, F., Albrecht, U., Albus, H., Dahan, H. and Meijer, J.H. The opioid fentanyl affects light input, electrical activity and Per gene expression in the hamster suprachiasmatic nuclei, Eur. J. Neuroscience, 21 (2005) 2958-2966.
- Bonnefont, X., Albus, H., Meijer, J.H., van der Horst, G.T., Light signalling in cryptochrome-deficient mice, Novartis Found Symp. 253 (2003) 56-66.
- Meijer, J.H., Schwartz, W.J., In search of the pathways for light-induced pacemaker resetting in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, J. Biol. Rhythms, 3 (2003) 235-249.
- Watanabe K, Deboer T, Meijer JH (2001) Light induced resetting of the circadian pacemaker: Quantitative analysis of transient versus steady-state phase shifts. J Biol Rhythms 16: 564-573.
- Schaap, J., Meijer. J.H., Opposing effect of behavioural activity and light on neurons of the suprachiasmatic nucleus, Eur. J. of Neuroscience, 13 (2001) 1955-1962.
- Meijer, J.H., Ruis, A., Albus, H., and Dahan, A., Functional absence of extraocular photoreception in rodents, Brain Res. 831 (1999) 337-339.
- Meijer, J.H., Watanabe, K., Schaap, J., Albus, H. and L. Détári, Light responsiveness of the suprachiasmatic nucleus: long‑term multiunit and single‑unit recordings in freely moving rats, J. Neurosci.18 (1998) 9078‑9087.
- Meijer, J.H., Watanabe, K., Detari, L. and Schaap, J., Circadian rhythm in light response in suprachiasmatic nucleus neurons of freely moving rats, Brain Res. 741 (1,2) (1996) 352‑355.
- Meijer, J.H., Watanabe, K., Detari, L., de Vries, M.J., Albus, H., Treep, J.A., Schaap, J., and Rietveld, W.J., Light entrainment of the mammalian biological clock, Progress in Brain Res. vol 111, “Hypothalamic integration of circadian rhythms” ed: R.M. Buijs, A. Kalsbeek, H.J. Romijn, C.M.A. Pennartz and M. Mirmiran, Elsevier, Amsterdam (1996) 175‑190.
- Meijer, J.H. and De Vries, M.J., Light‑induced phase shifts in onset and offset of running‑wheel activity in the Syrian hamster, J. Biol. Rhythms, 1 (1995) 4‑16.
- De Vries, M.J., Treep, J.A., De Pauw, E.S.D., and Meijer, J.H., The effects of electrical stimulation of the optic nerves and anterior optic chiasm on the circadian activity rhythm of the Syrian hamster: involvement of excitatory amino acids, Brain Res., 642 (1994) 206‑212.
- De Vries, M.J., Nunes Cardozo, B., Van der Want, J., De Wolf, A., Meijer, J.H., Glutamate immunoreactivity in terminals of the retinohypothalamic tract of the brown Norwegian rat, Brain Res., 612 (1993) 231‑237.
- Meijer, J.H., Rusak, B. and Gänshirt, G., The relation between light‑induced phase shifts in the suprachiasmatic nucleus and phase shifts of hamster circadian rhythms, Brain Res., 598 (1992) 257‑263.
- De Vries, M.J., and Meijer, J.H., Aspartate injections into the suprachiasmatic region of the Syrian hamster do not mimic the effects of light on the circadian activity rhythm, Neurosci. Lett., 127 (1991) 215‑218.
- Meijer, J.H., Physiological basis for photic entrainment, Eur. J. of Morphol., Vol. 28, no. 2‑4 (1990) 308‑316.
- Meijer, J.H., Rusak, B. and Harrington, M.E., Photically responsive neurons in the hypothalamus of a diurnal ground squirrel, Brain Res., 501 (1989) 315‑323.
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- Groos, G.A., Mason, R. and Meijer J.H., Electrical and pharmacological properties of the suprachiasmatic nuclei, Fed. proc., 42 (1983) 2790‑2795.
3. Clinical: aging, sleep, metabolic syndrome, depression, cancer
- Buijink MR, van Weeghel M, Harms A, Murli DS, Meijer JH, Hankemeier T, Michel S, Kervezee L. Loss of temporal coherence in the circadian metabolome across multiple tissues during ageing in mice. Eur J Neurosci. 2024 May 27. doi: 10.1111/ejn.16428. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38802069.
- Wang Y, van Beurden AW, Tersteeg MMH, Michel S, Kastelein A, Neefjes J, Rohling JHT, Meijer JH, Deboer T. Internal circadian misallignment in a mouse model of chemotherapy induced fatigue. Brain Behav Immun. 2024 Jan;115:588-599. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2023.11.020. Epub 2023 Nov 19. PMID: 37984623.
- Olde Engberink AHO, de Torres Gutiérrez P, Chiosso A, Das A, Meijer JH, Michel S. Aging affects GABAergic function and calcium homeostasis in the mammalian central clock.Front Neurosci. 2023 May 16;17:1178457. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2023.1178457. eCollection 2023.PMID: 37260848
- Wang Y., Melgers M., Meijer JH., deBoer T. Comparison of sleep deprivation and a low dose of ketamine on sleep and the electroencephalogram in Brown Norway rats. Journal of Sleep Research 2023;e13863
- Schoonderwoerd RA, de Rover M, Janse JAM, Hirschler L, Willemse CR, Scholten L, Klop I, van Berloo S, van Osch MJP, Swaab DF, Meijer JH (2022). The photobiology of the human circadian clock. PNAS, Mar 29;119(13):e2118803119. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2118803119
- Ramos, Y., Meulenbelt, I., Meijer, JH “Clock genes for joint health: if we could turn back time” Rheumatology (Oxford) 2021
- Panagiotou M, Michel S, Meijer JH, Deboer T. (2021) “The aging brain: sleep, the circadian clock and exercise” Biochemical Pharmacology, 191,
- Hazelhoff EM, Dudink J, Meijer JH, Kervezee, L (2021) Beginning to See the Light: Lessons Learned From the Development of the Circadian System for Optimizing Light Conditions in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Frontiers in Neuroscience
- Buijink MR, Olde Engberink AHO, Wit CB, Almog A, Meijer JH, Rohling JHT, Michel S (2020): Aging Affects the Capacity of Photoperiodic Adaptation Downstream from the Central Molecular Clock. J Biol Rhythms; 35(2): 167-179.
- Meijer JH & Oude Vrielink TJC (2020): Using surgical wrapping material for the fabrication of respirator masks. PLOS ONE.
- Schilperoort M, van den Berg R, Coomans CP, Khedoe PPSJ, Ramkisoensing A, Boekestijn S, Wang Y, Berbée JFP, Meijer JH, Biermasz NR, Kooijman S. (2020): Continuous light does not affect atherosclerosis in APOE*3-Leiden.CETP mice. J Biol Rhythms. doi: 10.1177/0748730420951320.
- Schilperoort M, van den Berg R, Bosmans LA, van Os BW, Dollé MET, Smits NAM, Guichelaar T, van Baarle D, Koemans L, Berbée JFP, Deboer T, Meijer JH, de Vries MR, Vreeken D, van Gils JM, Willems van Dijk K, van Kerkhof LWM, Lutgens E, Biermasz NR, Rensen PCN, Kooijman S (2020): Disruption of circadian rhythm by alternating light-dark cycles aggravates atherosclerosis development in APOE*3-Leiden.CETP mice. J Pineal Res; 68(1): e12614.
- Cederroth CR, Albrecht U, Bass J, Brown SA, Dyhrfjeld-Johnsen J, Gachon F, Green CB, Hastings MH, Helfrich-Förster C, Hogenesch J, Lévi F, Loudon A, Lundkvist GB, Meijer JH, Rosbash M, Takahashi JS, Young M, and Canlon B (2019). Medicine in the fourth dimension. Cell Metabolism 30(2):238-250
- Roy U, Heredia-Muñoz MT, Stute L, Höfling C, Matysik J, Meijer JH, Roßner S, Alia A (2019). Degeneration of the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus in an Alzheimer’s Disease Mouse Model Monitored by in vivo Magnetic Resonance Relaxation Measurements and Immunohistochemistry. J Alzheimers Dis. 69(2):363-375. doi: 10.3233/JAD-190037
- Naber WC, Fronczek R, Haan J, Doesborg P, Colwell CS, Ferrari MD, Meijer JH (2019). The biological clock in cluster headache: A review and hypothesis. Cephalalgia. doi: 10.1177/0333102419851815.
- van den Berg R, Kooijman S, Noordam R, Ramkisoensing A, Abreu-Vieira G, Tambyrajah LL, Dijk W, Ruppert P, Mol IM, Kramar B, Caputo R, Puig LS, de Ruiter EM, Kroon J, Hoekstra M, van der Sluis RJ, MeijerOC, Willems van Dijk K, van Kerkhof LWM, Christodoulides C, Karpe F, Gerhart-Hines Z, Kersten S, MeijerJH, Coomans CP, van Heemst D, Biermasz NR, Rensen PCN (2018). A Diurnal Rhythm in Brown Adipose Tissue Causes Rapid Clearance and Combustion of Plasma Lipids at Wakening. Cell Rep. 22(13):3521-3533. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2018.03.004.
- Joustra SD, Gu C, Rohling JHT, Pickering L, Klose M, Hu K, Scheer FA, Feldt-Rasmussen U, Jennum PJ, Pereira AM, Biermasz NR, MeijerJH (2018). Decrease in scale invariance of activity fluctuations with aging and in patients with suprasellar tumors. Chronobiol Int.35(3):368-377. doi: 10.1080/07420528.2017.1407779.
- Mendoza J, van Diepen HC, Pereira RR, MeijerJH (2018). Time-shifting effects of methylphenidate on daily rhythms in the diurnal rodent Arvicanthis ansorgei. Psychopharmacology (Berl). doi: 10.1007/s00213-018-4928-2.
- Fifel K, Meijer JH, Deboer T (2017). Long-term effects of sleep deprivation on neuronal activity in four hypothalamic areas. Neurobiology of Disease 109, 54-63.
- Houben T, Loonen IC, Baca SM, Schenke M, Meijer JH, Ferrari MD, Terwindt GM, Voskuyl RA, Charles A, van den Maagdenberg AM, Tolner EA. (2017) Optogenetic induction of cortical spreading depression in anesthetized and freely behaving mice.J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2017 May;37(5):1641-1655.
- Lucassen EA, Coomans CP, van Putten M, de Kreij SR , van Genugten JHLT, Sutorius RPM, de Rooij KE, van der Velde M, Verhoeve SL, Smit JWA, Löwik CWGM, Smits HH, Guigas B, Aartsma-Rus AM, Meijer, JH. (2016) An absence of circadian cues leads to deterioration of muscle, bone, and immune function. Current Biol. IF 9.647.
- Ramkisoensing A, and Meijer, JH (2015) Synchronization of biological clock neurons by light and peripheral feedback systems promotes circadian rhythms and health, Frontiers in Neurology, doi: 10.3389/fneur.2015.00128 pp 1 – 16.
- Coomans CP, Lucassen EA, Kooijman S, Fifel K, Deboer T, Rensen PC, Michel S, Meijer JH.(2015) Plasticity of circadian clocks and consequences for metabolism. Diabetes Obes Metab. Suppl 1:65-75. doi: 10.1111/dom.12513.IF: 6.3
- Kooijman S, van den Berg R, Ramkisoensing A, Boon MR, Kuipers EN, Loef M, Zonneveld TC, Lucassen EA, Sips HC, Chatzispyrou IA, Houtkooper RH, Meijer JH, Coomans CP, Biermasz NR, Rensen PC.(2015).Prolonged daily light exposure increases body fat mass through attenuation of brown adipose tissue activity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 May 11. pii: 201504239.IF 9.81.
- Farajnia S, Johanna H. Meijer JH, Michel S (2015) Age-related changes in large-conductance calcium-activated potassium channels in mammalian circadian clock neurons. Neurobiol Aging IF 4.85
- S. Michel, G.D. Block, J.H. Meijer (2015) The aging clock; in: Circadian Medicine, C.S.Colwell (Ed.) John Wiley & Sons.
- Farajnia S, Deboer T, Rohling JH, Meijer JH, Michel S. Aging of the suprachiasmatic clock, Neuroscientist, 2014, 20: 44-55, doi: 10.1177/1073858413498936. IF 5.633.
- Monge MM, Houben, T, de Boer, H, Aleksinskaya, M, Massy, Z, Rabelink, T, Meijer, JH and van Zonneveld, AJ. Chronic renal failure does not affect the mouse locomotor activity in darkness conditions, Biological Rhythm Research 2013.
- Coomans, CP, van den Berg, SAA, Houben, T., van Klinken, JB., van den Berg, R., Pronk, A., Havekes, L., Romijn, JA, Willems van Dijk, K., Biermasz, N.R., Meijer, J.H., Additive effects of rhythm disturbances and diet on energy metabolism and insulin sensitivity, 2013, FASEB. Doi.1096/fj.12-210898, IF 5.6
- Coomans CP, van den Berg SAA, Lucassen EA, Houben T, Pronk ACM, van der Spek RDC, Kalsbeek A, Biermasz NR, Willems van Dijk K, Romijn JA, Meijer JH., The suprachiasmatic nucleus controls circadian energy metabolism and insulin sensitivity, Diabetes, 2013, doi 10.2337/db12-0507. IF 8.286.
- Deboer T, van Diepen HC, Ferrari MD, Van den Maagdenberg AMJM, Meijer JH, Reduced sleep and low adenosinergic sensitivity in cacna1a R192Q mutant mice. Sleep, 36, 2013.127-136, IF 5.1.
- Meijer, J.H., Colwell, C.S., Rohling, J.H.T., vanderLeest, H.T., Houben, T., and Michel, S., Dynamic neuronal network organization of the circadian clock, and possible deterioration in disease. Neurobiology of circadian timing Eds: Kalsbeek, A, Foster, R.G., Roenneberg, T., and Merrow, M., Progress in Brain research, Vol. 199 (2012) 143-162. IF 3.04.
- Antle M, van Diepen HC, Deboer T. Pedram P. Rodrigues Pereira R.; Meijer JH, Methylphenidate Modifies the Motion of the Circadian Clock, Neuropsychopharmacology (2012) 1-10. IF 7.991.
- Farajnia, S., Michel, S., Deboer, T., Houben, T., vanderLeest, H.T., Rohling, J.H.T., Ramkisoensing, A., Yasenkov, R., and Meijer, J.H., Evidence for neuronal desynchrony in the aged SCN clock, J. Neurosci, 32 (2012) 5891-5899. IF 7.115.
- Zhang J, Fang Z, Jud C, Vansteensel MJ, Kaasik K, Lee CC, Albrecht U, Tamanini F, Meijer JH, Oostra BA, Nelson DL. Fragile X-related proteins regulate mammalian circadian behavioral rhythms. Am J Hum Genet. 83 (2008) 43-52. IF 10.153
- van Oosterhout, F., Michel, S., Deboer, T., Houben, T., van de Ven, R.C.G., Albus, H., Westerhout, J., Vansteensel, M.J., Ferrari, M., van den Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M., and Meijer, J.H., Enhanced circadian phase resetting in R192Q Cav2.1 calcium channel migraine mice, Ann Neurol 64 (2008) 315-324. IF 9.935
- Hampp, G., Ripperger, J.A., Houben, T., Schmutz, I., Blex, C., Perreau-Lenz, S., Brunk, I., Spanagel, R., Ahnert-Hilger, G., Meijer, J.H. and Albrecht, U., Regulation of the murine Monoamine Oxidase A Gene by Circadian Clock Components Implies Clock Influence on Mood, Current Biol., 18 (2008) 678-83. IF 10.777
- Meijer, J.H. and Groos, G.A., Responsiveness of suprachiasmatic and ventral lateral geniculate neurons to serotonin and imipramine: a microiontophoretic study in normal and imipramine‑treated rats, Brain Res. Bull. 20 (1988) 89‑96.
4. Sleep and exercise: non-photic effects on the SCN clock
- Wang Y., Melgers M., Meijer JH., deBoer T. Comparison of sleep deprivation and a low dose of ketamine on sleep and the electroencephalogram in Brown Norway rats. Journal of Sleep Research 2023;e13863
- Schoonderwoerd RA, Buck TM, Andriessen CA, Wijnholds J, Hattar S, Meijer JH, Deboer T. (2022) Sleep Deprivation Does not Change the Flash Electroretinogram in Wild-type and Opn4-/-Gnat1-/- Mice. J Biol Rhythms. Apr; 37(2): 216–221. doi: 10.1177/0748730422107499
- Panagiotou M, Michel S, Meijer JH, Deboer T. (2021) “The aging brain: sleep, the circadian clock and exercise” Biochemical Pharmacology, 191,
- Ananthasubramaniam B & Meijer JH (2020): Regulation of rest, rather than activity, underlies day-night activity differences in mice. Frontiers in Physiology, doi: 10.3389/fphys.2020.00268
- Panagiotou M, Meijer M, Meijer JH, Deboer T (2018). Effects of chronic caffeine consumption on sleep and the sleep electroencephalogram in mice. J Psychopharmacol. doi: 10.1177/0269881118806300.
- Panagiotou M, Papagiannopoulos K, Rohling JHT, Meijer JH, Deboer T (2018). How old is your brain? Slow-wave activity in non-rapid-eye-movement sleep as a marker of brain rejuvenation after long-term exercise in mice, Front. Aging Neurosci. doi:
- Panagiotou M, Meijer JH, Deboer T. (2018) Chronic high-caloric diet modifies sleep homeostasis in mice. Eur J Neurosci. 47:1339-1352. doi: 10.1111/ejn.13932.
- Fifel K, MeijerJH, Deboer T (2018). Circadian and Homeostatic Modulation of Multi-Unit Activity in Midbrain Dopaminergic Structures. Sci Rep. 8(1):7765. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-25770-5.
- Schoonakker M, MeijerJH, Deboer T, Fifel K (2018). Heterogeneity in the Circadian and Homeostatic Modulation of Multi-unit Activity in the Lateral Hypothalamus. Sleep. doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsy051.
- Fifel K, Meijer JH, Deboer T (2018). Long-term effects of sleep deprivation on neuronal activity in four hypothalamic areas. Neurobiol Dis. 109(Pt A):54-63. doi: 10.1016/j.nbd.2017.10.005.
- Stenvers, D. J., van Dorp, R., Foppen, E., Mendoza, J., Opperhuizen, A. L., Fliers, E., … & Deboer, T. (2016). Dim light at night disturbs the daily sleep-wake cycle in the rat. Scientific reports, 6.
- Panagiotou, M., Vyazovskiy, V. V., Meijer, J. H., & Deboer, T. (2017). Differences in electroencephalographic non-rapid-eye movement sleep slow-wave characteristics between young and old mice. Scientific Reports, 7.
- Dattolo T, Coomans CP, van Diepen HC, Patton DF, Power S, Antle MC, Meijer JH, Mistlberger RE (2016). Neural activity in the suprachiasmatic circadian clock of nocturnal mice anticipating a daytime meal. Neuroscience. 2016 Feb 19;315:91-103. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2015.12.014. Epub 2015 Dec 14. IF 3.327
- Van Oosterhout, F., Lucassen, E.A., Houben, T., vanderLeest, H.T., Antle, M.C., and Meijer, J.H., Amplitude of the SCN clock enhanced by behavioral activity, PLoSONE 7 (6) (2012) e39693. IF 4.092.
- Houben, T., Deboer, T, van Oosterhout, F, and Meijer, JH, Correlation with behavioral activity and rest implies circadian regulation by SCN neuronal activity levels, J. Biol. Rhythms, (2009) 477-487.
- Deboer T, Ruijgrok G, Meijer JH (2007) Short light-dark cycles affect sleep in mice. Eur J Neurosci 26: 3518-3523.
- Deboer T, Detari L, Meijer JH (2007) Long term effects of sleep deprivation on the mammalian circadian pacemaker. Sleep 30: 257-262.
- Deboer, T., Overeem, S., Visser, N.A., Duindam, H., Frolich, M., Lammers, G.J., Meijer, J.H., Convergence of circadian and sleep regulatory mechanisms on hypocretin-1., Neuroscience 129(3) (2004) 727-32.
- Deboer, T., Vansteensel, M.J., Détari, L., Meijer, J.H., Sleep states alter activity of suprachiasmatic nucleus neurons, Nature Neuroscience, 10 (2003) 1086-1090. IF 15.141
- Schaap, J., Meijer. J.H., Opposing effect of behavioural activity and light on neurons of the suprachiasmatic nucleus, Eur. J. of Neuroscience, 13 (2001) 1955-1962.
- Meijer, J.H. and De Vries, M.J., Light‑induced phase shifts in onset and offset of running‑wheel activity in the Syrian hamster, J. Biol. Rhythms, 1 (1995) 4‑16.
- Meijer, J.H., Rusak, B. and Gänshirt, G., The relation between light‑induced phase shifts in the suprachiasmatic nucleus and phase shifts of hamster circadian rhythms, Brain Res., 598 (1992) 257‑263.
5. Complexity theory; emergent properties of hierarchical neuronal networks
- van Beurden AW, Meylahn JM, Achterhof S, Buijink R, Olde Engberink A, Michel S, Meijer JH, Rohling JHT. Reduced Plasticity in Coupling Strength in the Aging SCN Clock as Revealed by Kuramoto Modeling. J Biol Rhythms. 2023 Oct;38(5):461-475. doi: 10.1177/07487304231175191. Epub 2023 Jun 16.PMID: 37329153
- van Beurden AW, Schoonderwoerd RA, Tersteeg MMH, de Torres Gutiérrez P, Michel SH, Blommers R, Rohling JHT, Meijer JH. (2022) Single cell model for re-entrainment to a shifted light cycle The FASEB Journal October 2022 e22518 doi: 10.1096/fj.202200478R
- Ananthasubramaniam B & Meijer JH (2020): Regulation of rest, rather than activity, underlies day-night activity differences in mice. Frontiers in Physiology, doi: 10.3389/fphys.2020.00268
- Almog A, Buijink MR, Roethler O, Michel S, Meijer JH, Rohling JHT, Garlaschelli D (2019). Uncovering functional signature in neural systems via random matrix theory. PLoS Comput Biol. 15(5): e1006934. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006934
- Joustra SD, Gu C, Rohling JHT, Pickering L, Klose M, Hu K, Scheer FA, Feldt-Rasmussen U, Jennum PJ, Pereira AM, Biermasz NR, MeijerJH (2018). Decrease in scale invariance of activity fluctuations with aging and in patients with suprasellar tumors. Chronobiol Int.35(3):368-377. doi: 10.1080/07420528.2017.1407779.
- Almog A, Roethler O, Buijink MR, Michel S, Meijer JH, Rohling JHT, Garlaschelli, D (2017). Uncovering hidden functional brain organization by random matrix theory. arXiv:1708.07046.
- Gu C, Coomans CP, Hu K, Scheer FAJL, Stanley HE, Meijer JH (2015). Lack of exercise leads to significant and reversible loss of scale invariance in both aged and young mice. PNAS, 112(8), 2320-2324. IF 9.81.
- Ramkisoensing, A, Gu, C, van Engeldorp Gastelaars, HMD, Michel, S, Deboer, T, Rohling, JHT, Meijer, JH, Enhanced Phase Resetting in the Synchronized Suprachiasmatic Nucleus Network, J Biol Rhythms, 29, 2014, 4-15 IF 3.229
- Gu, C, Ramkisoensing, A, Liu, Z, Meijer, JH, Rohling, JHT, The Proportion of Light-Responsive Neurons Determines the Limit Cycle Properties of the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus, J Biol Rhythms, 29, 2014, 16-27 IF 3.229
- Gu, C, Xu, J, Liu, Z, Rohling, JHT, Entrainment range of nonidentical circadian oscillators by a light-dark cycle, Physical Reviews E 88, 2013, 022702 IF 2.313.
- Hu, K., Meijer, J.H., Shea, S.A., vanderLeest, H.T., Houben, T., van Oosterhout, F., and Scheer, F.A.J.L., Fractal patterns of neuronal activity exist within the suprachiasmatic nucleus and require extrinsic network interactions, PLoS One 7(2012) e48927. IF 4.092.
- Rohling, JHT, vanderLeest, HT, Michel, S., Vansteensel, MJ, and Meijer, JH, Phase resetting of the mammalian circadian clock relies on a rapid shift of a small population of pacemaker neurons, PLoS ONE 6 (2011) e25437.
- Meijer, J.H., Michel S, Vanderleest HT, Rohling JH, Daily and seasonal adaptation of the circadian clock requires plasticity of the SCN neuronal network, Eur J Neurosci. (2010) 2143-2151.
- vanderLeest HT, Rohling JHT, Michel S, Meijer JH. Phase shifting capacity of the circadian pacemaker determined by the SCN neuronal network organization. PLoS ONE 4(3) (2009) e4976.
- Rohling, J., Meijer, J.H., VanderLeest, H.T., and Admiraal, J., Phase differences in single unit electrical activity patterns underly photoperiodic encoding by the SCN, J. Neurophysiol.Paris, (2007) 261-270.
- Rohling, J., Wolters, L., Meijer, J.H., Simulation of day-length encoding in the SCN: from single-cell to tissue-level organization. J. Biol. Rhythms, 4 (2006) 301-13.
- Albus, H., Vansteensel, M.J., Michel, S., Block, G.D. and Meijer, J.H., A GABAergic mechanism is necessary for coupling dissociable ventral and dorsal regional oscillators within the circadian clock., Current Biol., 15 (2005) 886-893. IF 11.732
- Schaap, J., Albus, H., van der Leest, H.T., Eilers, P.H.C., Détari, L., Meijer, J.H., Heterogeneity of rhythmic suprachiasmatic nucleus neurons: implications for circadian waveform and photoperiodic encoding, PNAS, 26 (2003) 15994-15999. IF 10.272
- Meijer, J.H., Schaap, J., Watanabe, K. and Albus, H., Multiunit activity recordings in the suprachiasmatic nuclei: in vivo versus in vitro models, Brain Res. 753 (1997) 322‑327.
- Meijer, J.H., Daan, S., Overkamp, G.J.F. and Hermann, P., The two‑oscillator circadian system of Tree shrews (Tupaja belangeri) and its response to light and dark pulses, J. Biol. Rhythms, 5 (1990) 1‑16.
6. Chronopharmacology: strategies for enhancing clock function, optimizing drug timing
- van Beurden AW, Tersteeg MMH, Michel S, van Veldhoven JPD, IJzerman AP, Rohling JHT, Meijer JH. Small-molecule CEM3 strengthens single-cell oscillators in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. FASEB J. 2024 Jan;38(1):e23348. doi: 10.1096/fj.202300597RR. PMID: 38084798.
- Cederroth CR, Albrecht U, Bass J, Brown SA, Dyhrfjeld-Johnsen J, Gachon F, Green CB, Hastings MH, Helfrich-Förster C, Hogenesch J, Lévi F, Loudon A, Lundkvist GB, Meijer JH, Rosbash M, Takahashi JS, Young M, and Canlon B (2019). Medicine in the fourth dimension. Cell Metabolism 30(2):238-250
- Mendoza J, van Diepen HC, Pereira RR, MeijerJH (2018). Time-shifting effects of methylphenidate on daily rhythms in the diurnal rodent Arvicanthis ansorgei. Psychopharmacology (Berl). doi: 10.1007/s00213-018-4928-2.
- Kervezee, L., Hartman, R., van den Berg, D. J., Meijer, J. H., & de Lange, E. C. (2017). Diurnal variation in the pharmacokinetics and brain distribution of morphine and its major metabolite. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
- Kervezee L, Stevens J, Birkhoff W, Kamerling IM, de Boer T, Dröge M, Meijer JH, Burggraaf J. Identifying 24 h variation in the pharmacokinetics of levofloxacin: a population pharmacokinetic approach. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2016 Feb;81(2):256-68. doi: 10.1111/bcp.12783. Epub 2015 Nov 25. PubMed PMID: 26852745; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4833164.
- Kervezee L, Gotta V, Stevens J, Birkhoff W, de Visser I, Danhof M, Meijer M, and Burggraaf K (2016) Levofloxacin-induced QTc prolongation depends on the time of drug administration” by [Paper #PSP-2015-0209R] CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology.
- Kervezee, L, Hartman, R, van den Berg, D, Shimizu, S, Emoto-Yamamoto, Y, Meijer, J, de Lange, E, Diurnal variation in P-glycoprotein mediated transport and cerebrospinal fluid turnover in the brain, The AAPS journal, DOI: 10.1208/s12248-014-9625-4. IF 4.4
- Antle M, van Diepen HC, Deboer T. Pedram P. Rodrigues Pereira R.; Meijer JH, Methylphenidate Modifies the Motion of the Circadian Clock, Neuropsychopharmacology (2012) 1-10. IF 7.991.
7. Field research, ecology, biodiversity, population dynamics, nocturnal light pollution
- Robbers Y, Tersteeg MMH,Meijer JH, Coomans CP. 2021 Group housing and social dominance hierarchy affect circadian activity patterns in mice. R. Soc. Open Sci. 8:201985.
- Olde Engberink, A.H.O., Huisman,J., Michel,S., Meijer, J.H. (2020) Brief light exposure at dawn and dusk can encode day‐length in the neuronal network of the mammalian circadian pacemaker. FASEB 34(10) 13685-13695
- Christian Tudorache, Hans Slabbekoorn, Yuri Robbers, Eline Hin, Johanna H. Meijer, Herman P. Spaink and Marcel J. M. Schaaf (2018). Biological clock function is linked to proactive and reactive personality types. BMC Biol 16, 148. doi: 10.1186/s12915-018-0618-0
- Robbers, Y., Koster, E. A., Krijbolder, D. I., Ruijs, A., van Berloo, S., & Meijer, J. H.(2015). Temporal behaviour profiles of Mus musculus in nature are affected by population activity. Physiology & Behavior. 139:351-360. doi:10.1016/j.physbeh.2014.11.020. IF 3.150
- Meijer, JH and Robbers, Y, Wheel running in the wild, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 2014, 281(1786). doi: 10.1098/rspb.2014.0210. IF 5.7
- Meijer, J.H., Schaap, J., Watanabe, K. and Albus, H., Multiunit activity recordings in the suprachiasmatic nuclei: in vivo versus in vitro models, Brain Res. 753 (1997) 322‑327.